So, I realized today that our ultrasound appointment to find out what we're having isn't too far away! (August 3rd is the appointment) Yippie!
I thought it would be fun to see what everyone thinks it will be. So vote! -------->
P.S. We think that it's a boy. :)
Cameron Turned Four!
Happy birthday Cameron!
This year my cute boy gave me my most detailed cake request so far. He
wanted "colory cake from Target" (he saw a tie dye box c...
9 years ago
I was 200% sure i was having a girl...all the signs just pointed to it, including being super sick, carrying in my back, and the heartrate being in the "girl range" then...SURPRISE..its a boy! lol!!! I'm excited to see what you'll have! :D
girl, since i already subconsciously voted :)
I think its a boy!! But you better call me as soon as you find out! I'm serious too!
There is no way we can keep having girls like we have been lately in this family. So, I voted boy just because that's what the odds are.
come on now . . just a few more votes for BOY! No preference one way or the other, just rooting for the underdog.
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