Jake showed me around Mount Airy. I saw the high school, Main Street, the old house and everything else! It was fun to drive around there and see where Jake and the family lived. It's a way cute house! That house is up for sale right now if anyone is interested! ;)
We got up to Uncle Todd's and I got introduced to everyone and ushered right into the house where there was lots of goood food. Jake and I made ourselves a plate and started eating while we chatted with everyone. I certainly found out a lot of things about people in this family that I never knew! I guess Jerry is a tough-guy and Kelly isn't one to mess with either! I had suuuch a good time! I don't know if I've ever laughed so much in one day! After hanging out inside for a while, we all headed outside to pick up sticks. I decided to pull out the camera and Emery ate it up! I have tons of pictures of this little girl. I guess she got tired of being in front of the camera and decided she wanted to take my picture "hula hooting". Jake helped her take the picture of me.
Lionel is a huuuuge dog. I think he weighs something like 160 pounds! Crazy.
Uncle Mike and Uncle Todd! Emery took this picture, too. ;)
We stayed at Lane and TJ's house that night. TJ even made us breakfast the next morning before we took off. It was delicious!
This is the sunrise on our way home on sunday morning. We left at 7:00 so we could make it to church for Jake to teach EQ.
I think that's finally all of the updating that I have. We have the home teachers coming tonight!
I would love to spend some quality time with the NC Taylors! I've met some of them--and couldn't love them more!
I was talking with Andrea about how our moms made us Easter Baskets, then I took a shower and BAM! Easter basket for me! My wife is awesome. Little Emery calls it "hoola-hooting", not just to be cute, but because her favorite place to eat is Hooters. No joke.
Man! I'm craving some NC Taylor time!
The NC Taylor's are awesome! Carolina is beautiful!!! The people there are so genuine and loving. Besides a great family there we have some true blue friends!!! Sounds like you had a great time. . It is always a great time when the Taylor Boys are around!
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